Thursday, July 7, 2011

Dirty Girls!

So the gals and I ran in the Kiss Me Dirty (aka Dirty Girl) run this last weekend and had a BLAST!

It was a huge rush and so much fun. Head on over here to catch some pictures. (We are wave 10, if you care to try to find us!)


In other news, can you tell that life just gets in the way of blogging sometimes? We are busy girls with busy lives (as I'm sure many--ALL--of you can relate).

As for me personally, I quit Weight Watchers. I was paying for a service and they weren't up to snuff so I fired them. I thought I could handle "stuff" on my own but apparently I can't. Here's to getting back on track (WITHOUT Weight Watchers)!

I DID run a 5K on July 4th and made my best time yet--37 min and 10 seconds! I placed 13th in my age division and 140th overall (out of 600+ people)! WOOT!

I never thought I'd be a runner but I'm seriously in love.. for now.

Trying to find an affordable treadmill is another story. I've had $$$ saved up TWICE from selling some of my belongings and then BAM! life happens. First, we needed a new windshield for the car and last week we had to buy 4 new tires.

Being a grown-up sucks sometimes!

How are y'all doing??



Betty said...

I just quit WW too, I'll find a way to lose the weight, but WW isn't it right now.

Have you been searching Craigslist for your area? I know around here people are often giving away treadmills just to get them out of their house! If you haven't, check it out, you can get one as good as new and spend less than new prices!

Katie said...

Thank you, Betty!

I've heard of a lot of people quitting Weight Watchers lately.

Yes we CAN do this without them!

Emma said...

you go girl! I am so behind on the blog thing- I finally found your blog off of Holli's blog. Duh. Anyway, hope life is going well!!