Friday, September 26, 2008


Holla!!! So...I weighed in last night and I lost 2.4 pounds! (Note: I lost 2 point 4 pounds...not 24! I wish!) I'd love to lose about 2 pounds a week, but right now, I'll take anything!
Here are a couple of things I learned this week....
- Write down what you eat! This is something I struggled with this week. I was either too busy or I'd have good intentions to write it down, but then I'd forget. I realized when I write down what I eat, I'm more conscious of what I'm eating and I feel more accountable. Plus, it's a great way to track calories!
- Move, baby! MOVE! As I've been walking/jogging, I have noticed it is getting a little easier as I make myself go, but that is the hard part- doing it! I need to work on not getting distracted by what's on TV or little project I'm working on.
-Satisfied? Another thing I've learned is to realize when I'm satisfied and then stop eating. This is a habit that is hard to break! Usually, if there is food in front of me, I'll continue to graze or subconsciously eat it, even if I'm full! So, here is a great tip I learned: You know how most restaurants give you a HUGE portion? Well, when you go out to eat, ask for a box FIRST, and put 1/2 of your meal in it right when it comes. That way, you only eat 1/2 and you have 1/2 for the next day!
My goals this week are to take 30-40 minutes everyday to exercise, buy and eat more fruits and veggies, and learn to cook some healthy recipes!


Lisa K said...

Good job!! I'm finding it hard to find time to go to the gym - Joe's been working late most days and Colton is such a time hog! So the 5k will be interesting to see how I do. =)

sarah marie p said...

Congrats, Shan! Soooo proud of you!! That's so freakin awesome! You totally rock! I know you will totally get to your goal weight. Thanks for sharing the tips you learned! Congrats!! xoxox Yay you!!

Mands Glenn said...

Ahhh what a great feeling. Congrats, girlfriend. Whenever I have been on a diet( which is majority of my life) I would always committ after I loss that I would never-I mean NEVER go back to the weight before I lost. It helps your mind feel at ease without thinking, " Ughhh I have like 35 more to go. Just a bit at a time!

If you are hungry, drink Diet COke. It has always helped me. Get some yummy bubble gum and try that too. You sound like you are doing everything right. I love to hear about your progress. After my second baby comes in 3 weeks I am going to start my own skinnyjeansfor me blog and have a ticker and all. I can see how that totally helps!Keep going, Girlfriend!

clair said...

That's a good idea to ask for a box first when out to eat. I'll need to try that.

I've never been able to keep track of what I eat by writing it down (though I know that works, I'm just lazy. J). So what helps me is just to never go back for seconds.

Congrats by the way! And I love your goals, I'm also going to start exercising every day.
I'm trying to get to pre-baby weight by Christmas.

Anonymous said...

Love this blog!! I am starting WW again for the 4th time, the first time I went to the meetings, wrote down what I ate and lost 35 lbs!! the last 3 times, i did it by myself and quit each time after a few weeks, this time I am doing it for reals too, I have gained back like 20 of the lbs, I am so mad because when summer started I only had to lose 10, but I kept eating. I also have a diet blog! we'll have to motivate each other...